viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013


Hello! This is an interview from Núria Soler. She is an actress, she have done some films and now she is rehearsing a very interesting play.

Which resources do you use to get into the character?

I imagine that the script is played by my favorite actors and actress. Then, I try to copy what I have imagined. If it is a character with a special situation, I will inform about his or her situation. Sometimes, the best way is to contact with someone who is living the situation or have passed it. I do this to have a 1r person perspective. .

When the script asks you to cry, do you get it quickly?

If the script is well written, it isn't very difficult to cry. To see true tears, it has to be appropiate with the reality where the character belongs to. If it isn't in that way, you will know that it is false and it is more difficult to get into the character and cry.

What do you prefer to play: theatre or cinema?

I am very fan of both things but I prefer theatre because it isn't very much exploded . In a stage you can act better because you can gesticulate and you can move more than in a set or surrounded of a lot of cameras.

What do you do when you are waiting to play or film your sequence?

In the stage, the nerves don't overcome but before enter on the stage it is a dilemma! I try to take things with calm. If the rest of the colleagues are with me, everything will be easier. 

What do you prefer? Comedy, action or tragedy?

They are three very different genres. But I prefer Comedy because making people laugh seems easy but actually it isn't. If you have got a good script and you know how to bring the message to the audience, you will be rewarded with their reaction. It is a way to know that you do the job well and you are pushed to move forward.

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