jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

How was made "The Impossible"

The Impossible is the most impressive film in our latest days. This is a very impressive film at emotional and technical level. Today I will explain some technical things about this film. 

The technical parts of the film were shot in Valencia and Thailand. The tsunami was filmed in “La Ciudad de la Luz” in Alacant. This is a gigantic movie Studio where there is an aquatic set, the second most important set after Fox studios, where James Cameron filmed Titanic. The director didn’t want to use informatic water because he wanted the film to be the most realistic possible. The team of the film had to heat up the water, dye the water with food-dying and use more than 36 bombs to stir the water in order to create a very high current. It is difficult to explain, so this is a video in which you can see how they created a false tsunami.

In Thailand, the technical team, reconstructed the devasted outdoors, the resort where the family spent their holidays, the bus station and the hospital. The rest of the production took place in Madrid and Barcelona.  

The team encounter a lot of problems:

-   The first months in Tailand didn’t stop to rain.

-   It was so difficult to correspond the light from the scenes shooted in Tailand with the scenes shooted in Alicant. For this reason, the team had to shoot in Tailand in December and in Spain in June, in order to equalise the light of the sun.

-   Naomi Watts (Maria in the film) had got bronchitis because she swallowed a lot of water during the shooting.

-   The sound team had to put microphones on the actors and they had some problems because they were wearing swimsuit most of the time and the microphones didn’t attach.

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